Hickey Freeman Suits

Hickey Freeman suits are one of the nicest and most well-respected brands out in the market. They are definitely a choice for a high-end purchase.

HF are actually part of the Hartmarx group of suitmakers, which had acquire them some years earlier in the 1960s. It had been originally founded in the late 1800s and had enjoyed a long history of acceptance in the business world. It was one of the top choices of investment bankers, lawyers, and other professionals. Many big business and political names have worn these. President Obama wore a Hartmarx to his inauguration for example. However, the company got hit, understandably, during the recession and nearly went backrupt. They were bought by an Indian firm in 2009 but are still run independently, so the same high quality is still there for the time being at least.

They definitely have a conservative look to them and are more of the traditional American cut. Historically they did not have a lot of the slimmer, athletic looks or more of a casual hip vibe. They even hired Joseph Abboud to help market them to a younger audience, who might go for Armani or Hugo Boss. The fact that they retailed for $1500 and up kind of hurts them with the young crowd too.

They have several different lines available. The mainline and collection labels are high quality, as is the Presidential label which is even considered their top of the line. The LTD is a cheaper variety and should be viewed as such. The Madison model is a very popular variety and features full canvassing and high quality handwork. The Vanguard and Barrett are also mainline models and should be considered. The Vanguard in particular has a slimmer, more modern styling that may be more appealing to a younger buyer. Unfortunately, the models are not always clearly labeled so you may need to ask around.

Neiman Marcus and Dillards both carry these, although not at all stores. Nordstrom also has a decent selection. Check out the Neiman Marcus Last Call and Nordstrom Racks as sometimes discounted Hickey Freemans end up there.