Mens Style Advice

Mens clothing tips, mens hair styles and mens style advice for the modern man. Awesome clothing tips and advice for men with short hairstyles is what you will find on this website!

Ever try to match different color in your wardrobe and wonder if you are looking great or looking foolish? Well you won't have to worry about that ever again, we at SUIT-SWAGGER.COM have every answer waitng at your fingertip! We even give great suggestion for offline fashion reads. A book that you might find very helpful is Chic Simple's amazing mens fashion book that is titled "Mens Wardrobe".

But in all actuality, the top way to master mixing and matching your garment is to be hands on with the task. We suggest that the next time you enter a department store, that you DO NOT let any salesperson put your wardrobe together for you. Seriously, just because they have procured a job to sell you clothes does not make them a fashion expert in the least!

And even if you do find a salesperson that happens to have great taste and awesome mens style advice, can you guarantee that you will ever find this person again to help you? No, that is why you must learn for yourself, but we will help you every step of the way.

One key is to take it slow, and don't buy to many things at once. Why would you need to buy five whole head to toe outfits at once? Sometimes for guys the problem is in having too many clothes. Guys generally only wear about 20% of their wardrobe, the rest just sits around wasting space.

Mens Short Hairstyles That Rock!

This mens style advice can come in handy when your are searching for great mens hair styles as well, short hairs styles for men come in so many different awesome forms these days!

Anyone claiming that the average man views his short hair styles as an afterthought is making a broad generalization to be sure, bordering on blatantly false. According to the Canadian artistic director Fernando at Le Pascha Mens Grooming Center in beautiful Montreal, Quebec, guys are spending much more time in the hair salon than in the past and asking a bunch more questions. Men want to look great these days and our trendy mens style tips will help them!

This behavior is becoming more and more of the norm, you have probably noticed it for yourself the last time you tried slipping into a great looking mens suit and realized that something still wasn’t quite right, it’s your hair style. So be sure to find great short hairstyles today to complement your look and keep up with our awesome mens style advice!